Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board , ক্লাস IV 3য় ইউনিট টেস্ট প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর 2023 – বিষয় ইংরেজি , Class 5 3rd summative question paper English 2023 WB Board
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board , ক্লাস IV 3য় ইউনিট টেস্ট প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর 2023 – বিষয় ইংরেজি, এই নিবন্ধে আমার ক্লাস IV 3rd unit test এর ইংরেজি বিষয়ের উপর প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।
আমাদের এই ওয়েবসাইটে বাংলা এবং ইংরেজি , পরিবেশ ও বিজ্ঞান ও অন্যান্য বিষয়ের উপর ও 3য় ইউনিট টেস্ট প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর পেয়ে যাবে । এবং আমাদের Whatsapp গ্রুপে যুক্ত হয়ে ও প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর সংগ্রহ করতে পার।
বন্ধুরা নিশ্চই সবাই খুব ভাল আছেন। আজ এই নিবন্ধে আমরা Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। আমরা নীচে Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English এর সমস্ত রকমের sample questions দিয়ে দিয়েছি। এবং এর সিলাবাস ও সম্পর্কে সম্পূর্ণ ধারনা ও দিয়েছি। আপনারা এই ওয়েবসাইট খুলে এই প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর গুলি পরে নিতে পারেন। অথবা আপনি আপনার নোটবুকে ও লিখে নিতে পারেন। তবে আপনি যদি নোট বুকে “Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English ” গুলি না তুলে নেন তাহলেও আপনার কোন সমস্যা হবে না। কারন আমরা কোন সময় এই প্রশ্ন উত্তরগুলি উড়িয়ে দেব না। এটা সব সময় আপনাদের জন্য থাকবে। আপনার যখন মনে হবে এই ওয়েবসাইট খুলে Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর পড়ে নিতে পারেন।
শ্রেণী / Class | Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 |
পরীক্ষা / Exam | Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English |
বিষয় | English |
পূর্ণ মাণ | 50 |
সময় | 2 hours |

Full Marks – 50 , Time 2 hour Class – IV
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Question
- Read following passage and answer the question below .
The man heard a woman talking to the children. ” Don’t cry. The rice will be ready soon”, she said. The man looked inside he hut. He asked the woman, ” Why are the children crying?” The woman replied, “They are hungry. I have nothing to feed them . “The man saw that water was boiling in a pot. But there was not a single grain of rice in it. He was surprised. He asked the woman, ” Why, then, are you boiling water?” “My children will believe I am cooking food for them. Then they will stop crying”, replied the woman, She hoped they would fall asleep and forget their hunger. Tears filled the eyes of the man. He at once went back to his house. He returned with food for the hungry children. He then promised to look after them throughout his life.
This incident took place in Hooghly, over 200 years ago . This kind man was Haji Muhammad Mohsin. Many poor people were helped by him. In 1732, Mohsin was born in a respectable family . His father, Haji Faizulla, was a rich merchant. In his childhood, Mohsin was taught Maulavi Aga Siraji. He had a great influence on Mohsin. Mohsin had a large property. He used his riches for helping the poor. He looked after the sick and the needy. Mohsin was well-read, too. He had knowledge of Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit.
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Short type Question
A. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives. 1×4
a) The woman was talking to her – husband / children / sister.
Ans – Children.
b) The children were – playing / laughing / crying .
Ans- Crying
c) The man looked inside the – cottage / palace / hut
Ans. – hut
d) The man’s eyes were filled with – tears / anger / affection .
Ans – tears
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Short type Question Fill in the blanks
B. Fill in the blanks with correct information from the text . 1×4
a) The man saw that ……………………………………… .
Ans – water was boiling in a
b) The Children were crying because …….
Ans- They are hungry.
c) The woman hoped ……………………….. .
Ans – They would fall asleep and forget their hunger.
d) The man returned with ………………..
Ans – food for the hungry children.
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Short type Question True, False
C. Write ‘T” for True and ‘F’ for False for below statements . 1×4
a) The woman was cooking Biriyani .
Ans . F
b) The man got surprised to see the boiling water.
ans. – F
c) The woman wen to the man’s house to bring food for her children.
Ans. – F.
d) Haji Muhammad Mohsin always helped poor people.
Ans. T.
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Short type Question 2-3 words
D. Answer the following questions. 1×4
a) When did the incident take place ?
b) What language did Mohisn learn?
c) In which year was Mohsin born?
d) What was the source of Mohsin’s riches ?
2. Rad the given passage and answer the following questions .
Once, a crow found a piece on meat. It flew with it. It swat on a tall tree. A clever fox saw the crow with meat. It wanted to have that piece of meat. So the fox hit upon a plan. It asked the crow to sing aloud. The crow opened its mouth to sing. The meat fell down. The fox was waiting for this moment. It came from somewhere suddenly and picked up the piece of meat at once and ran away into the forest. The crow was sad at its foolishness.
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Short type Question choose correct
A. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives. 1×4
a) The crow found a – piece of bread / piece of meat / piece of cake
Ans. – piece of meat
b) The crow was seen by a – Fox / bat / lion
Ans – Fox
c) The crow – flew with the meat / walked with the meat / ran away with the meat / sat on the road with the meat.
ans. – flew with the meat
d) The crow was sad at – the loss of the meat / its foolishness / the falling of the meat / the escape of the fox.
Ans. – its foolishness
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Short type Question Match Column
8. Match Column – A with Column – B 1×4
Column – A | Column – B |
a) The fox hit | i) fell down |
b) The crow opened | ii) to sing aloud |
c) The fox asked the crow | iii) its mouth |
d) The meat | iv) upon a plan |
Ans. – a – iv, b – iii, c – ii , d – i.
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Short type Question Fill in the blanks
C. Find out world opposite in meaning from the above text. 1×2
a) lost …………………
Ans. – found.
b) short
Ans. – tall.
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Short type Grammar Question Fill in the blanks
3. Fill in the blanks with correct forms of verbs. 1×9
a) Lila ……… ( live) in kolkata. Now she ………. (work) company.
b) Raja …….. goes (g0) to the playground everyday. His friends …………….. (play) football there.
c) Subha ……….. (sit) on a chair. She …………….. (do) homework.
d) India has won the match today. People …………….. (cheer) with joy.
e) Mrs. Mehta …….. (cook) in the kitchen now. She ….. (be) a teacher.
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Short type Grammar Question Fill in the blanks by objectives
4. Fill in the blanks with the adjectives given in the help box below. 1×5=5
a) I want a …….. cake for my birthday.
Ans – big.
b) Would you like …. water ?
Ans – cold
c) I love to hear ………. music.
Ans. sweet
d) The cat ran after a ……… mouse.
Ans. – little .
e) The ………………. man lost the wrestling match .
Ans. – strong.
[ strong, cold, sweet, bit , little]
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Short type Question Fill in the blanks from brackets
5. Fill in the blanks with the worlds opposite in meaning to the given worlds in the help box. 1×4 =4
a) Mira’s house is ……….. from the school.
Ans. – close
b) The …… people have donated large amount of money to build the hospital.
Ans. – rich
c) There is a ….. notebook in Abdul’s pocket.
Ans. small.
d) She lost her purse as she had kept it …… .
Ans. carefully.
[poor, carefully, large , close]
Class 4 3rd unit test question paper 2023 English WB Board Short type Question Fill in the blanks with Prepositions
6. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions. 1×4
a) The teacher sat ……………. the chair.
Ans. on.
b) There is a nice story ….. this book.
Ans. – in.
c) Distribute the sweets …………….. the boys of the class.
Ans. – among.
d) He was born ……. 1990.
Ans. in.
Q. The …… people have donated large amount of money to build the hospital.
Ans. – rich
Q. The ………………. man lost the wrestling match .
Ans. – strong.
Q. There is a ….. notebook in Abdul’s pocket.
Ans. small.
বন্ধুরা তোমারা আমাদের Whatsapp গ্রুপে অবশ্যই যুক্ত হয়ে যাবে , Whatsapp গ্রুপে যুক্ত হওয়ার জন্য ডান দিকের "Join WhatsApp Group" ক্লিক করতে হবে। এই গ্রুপে আমরা নিয়মিত প্রশ্ন উত্তর দিতে থাকব।