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Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board PDF Download | Class 8 1st summative question paper English 2024 WB Board PDF Download

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Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board, ক্লাস VIII ১ম ইউনিট টেস্ট প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর 2024 – বিষয় ইংরেজ, Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board

Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board , ক্লাস VIII ১ম ইউনিট টেস্ট প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর 2024 – বিষয় ইংরেজি, এই নিবন্ধে আমার ক্লাস VIII 1st unit test এর ইংরেজি বিষয়ের উপর প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।

বন্ধুরা নিশ্চই সবাই খুব ভাল আছেন। আজ এই নিবন্ধে আমরা Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। আমরা নীচে Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board এর সমস্ত রকমের sample questions দিয়ে দিয়েছি। এবং এর সিলাবাস ও সম্পর্কে সম্পূর্ণ ধারনা ও দিয়েছি। আপনারা এই ওয়েবসাইট খুলে এই প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর গুলি পরে নিতে পারেন। অথবা আপনি আপনার নোটবুকে ও লিখে নিতে পারেন। তবে আপনি যদি নোট বুকে “Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board ” গুলি না তুলে নেন তাহলেও আপনার কোন সমস্যা হবে না। কারন আমরা কোন সময় এই প্রশ্ন উত্তরগুলি উড়িয়ে দেব না। এটা সব সময় আপনাদের জন্য থাকবে। আপনার যখন মনে এই ওয়েবসাইট খুলে Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর পড়ে নিতে পারেন।

Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board PDF Download | Class 8 1st summative question paper English 2024 WB Board PDF Download

Subject – English

Number – 15 Time – 30 min

Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board syllabus

  1. The wind cap
  2. Clouds
  3. An April day
  4. The Great Escape
  5. Grammar and vocabulary
  6. Writing Skill

Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board – Seen Questions

Section -A

Reading Comprehension (Seen)

1 Read the following passage and answer the below questions.

The wind cap well, they were unsuccessful, for it was a fairy cap. They pulled it and twisted it and so the squall became a storm, the mightiest they had ever seen. The captain ordered his men to bring Jon before him. In anger, he grabbed him by the tail of his striped cap, twisted him thrice and flung him out to the sea. But the winds called up by the cap spun the ship three times around.

As Jon went under the waves, the cap came off his head . Soon the storm stopped and Jon swam ashore. The cap followed him. When he got to the land, Jon picked up the cap and ran home to his mother and farm.

Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board – Seen Questions True and False

A. Mark “T” for write statements and mark “F” for wrong statements. Give supporting statements for each of your answer. 1×3

i) The captain grabbed Jon by the collar of his shirt.

Ans. F.

Supporting -He grabbed him by the tail of his striped cap.

ii) The sailors were unsuccessful as it was a cursed cap

Ans – F.

Supporting – Well , they were unsuccessful, for it was a fairy cap.

iii) When Jon got to the land, he threw the cap and went home to his mother .

Ans. – F

Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board – Seen Questions very short

B. Find the word from the text which mean the following . 1

Held somebody / something with one’s hands suddenly, firmly or roughly .

Ans. grabbed.

C. Answer the following questions. 2

When did the storm stop?

Ans. When Jon wen under the waves, the cap came off his head and storm stopped.

Section – B

Grammar & Vocabulary

Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board – Seen Questions grammar

2. Do as directed . 1×4

i) My son is very …………….. ( Popular) among his friend. [ Replace the word, ‘Popular’ with its antonyms]

Ans. unpopular.

ii) She ……. (prepare) for the exam for three months. [Fill in the blanks with either the Present Perfet Continuous tense of Past Perfect Continuous tense]

Ans. had been preparing.

iii) Their claim is not resonable. [Write the antonym of the underlined word by using the prefix]

Ans unreasonable

iv) Make sentence with the word ‘refresh’

Ans. – Now I will refresh myself.

Section- C

Writing Skill

Class 8 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board – Seen Questions write paragraph

3. Write a paragraph on your favorite season. Use the following points. 5

[Name the season, duration, description on the season, why do you like this season .]


My Favourite Season

My favourite season is spring. March and April is the main months for this season. In this season trees get new leaves .Flowers start to grow and become prettier. I love to see the color of flowers and leaf at this time. you will find everything is looking really fresh and beautiful in this season because they get a new look.

I really love this season because at this time the weather is very pleasant. The weather is not a very hot or cool at this time. That is why I like this season most.

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন উত্তর

Q. i) The captain grabbed Jon by the collar of his shirt.

Ans: – False

Q. i) The captain grabbed Jon by the collar of his shirt.

Ans. F.

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