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Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board, ক্লাস IX ১ম ইউনিট টেস্ট প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর 2024 – বিষয় ইংরেজ, Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board

Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board , ক্লাস IX ১ম ইউনিট টেস্ট প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর 2024 – বিষয় ইংরেজি, এই নিবন্ধে আমার ক্লাস IX 1st unit test এর ইংরেজি বিষয়ের উপর প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।

বন্ধুরা নিশ্চই সবাই খুব ভাল আছেন। আজ এই নিবন্ধে আমরা Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। আমরা নীচে Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board এর সমস্ত রকমের sample questions দিয়ে দিয়েছি। এবং এর সিলাবাস ও সম্পর্কে সম্পূর্ণ ধারনা ও দিয়েছি। আপনারা এই ওয়েবসাইট খুলে এই প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর গুলি পরে নিতে পারেন। অথবা আপনি আপনার নোটবুকে ও লিখে নিতে পারেন। তবে আপনি যদি নোট বুকে “Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board ” গুলি না তুলে নেন তাহলেও আপনার কোন সমস্যা হবে না। কারন আমরা কোন সময় এই প্রশ্ন উত্তরগুলি উড়িয়ে দেব না। এটা সব সময় আপনাদের জন্য থাকবে। আপনার যখন মনে এই ওয়েবসাইট খুলে Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর পড়ে নিতে পারেন।

Subject – English

Number – 40 Time – 1.15hr

Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board syllabus

Tales of Bhola Grandpa

All about a dog


A day in the zoo

All summer in a day

unseen, writing skill, Grammar & Vocabulary

Mark Distribution

MCQSAQ2 MarksTotal
Writing skill10
Grammar & Vocabulary10
Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board PDF Download | Class 9 1st summative question paper English 2024 WB Board PDF Download

Section – A

Reading – Seen

1.Read carefully the passage and write proper answer of following questions .

I remember another funny incident about Bhola Grandpa related by my father . It had been a rainy afternoon. Bhola Grandpa, wild with excitement, told my father and his friends that he had seen a gang of pirates. They were burying a large box under one of the sand dunes on the seashore by our village. At once father and his friends started looking for the hidden treasure. Evening passed on to night.

Moonlight cam in through the clouds. A pack of jackals were howling. It was past midnight. At this point of time, Bhola Grandpa confessed that there was no real treasure. It was all a dream which he had during his midday nap.

Once Bhola Grandpa had a great adventure in the Sunderbans. In those days Royal Bengal tigers freely roamed the dense jungles of the Sunderbans. People took care to move about only in groups, particularly after sundown.

One evening, Bhola Grandpa was returning from the weekly market. Suddenly at a distance of about five yards behind him, he heard the growl of a Royal Bengal tiger. Bhola Grandpa turned and found the bright gaze of the tiger on his face.

Bhola Grandpa instantly climbed up a nearby banyan tree. The tiger roared and circled the tree about a hundred times. Then it settled down under a bush without taking its eyes off him. With nightfall, the beating its tail on the dry leaves. Hours passed.

Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board Short Question Seen

A. Write the correct answers from the given alternatives 1×2

i) Bhola Grandpa had seen a gang of pirates.

a) at the sea shore

b) in the forest

c) at the river bank

d) in his mid-day nap

Ans: d.

ii) After sunset people used to go out door in groups because of

a) robbers

b) snakes

c) Royal Bengal Tigers

d) pirates

Ans. – c

Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board small Question Seen

B. Answer the following questions 2×2

a) What were the pirates doing when Bhola Grandpa saw them ?

Ans. – The pirates were burying a large box under one of the sand dunes on the sea shore by their village, when Bhola Grandpa saw them.

b) Why did poeple move in groups, particularly after sundown ?

Ans : In those days Royal Bengal Tigers freely roamed the dense forests of the Sundarbans. For that people moved in groups, particularly after sundown.

C . Read the stanza carefully and anwser the questions

I love the fitful gust that shakes

The casement all day,

And from the mossy elm-tree takes

The faded leaves away,

Twirling them by the windows pane

With thousand others down the lane.

Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board Short Question Seen Poem

D. Choose the perfect answer.

i) The poem, ‘Autumn’ is a kind of –

a)metaphysical poem

b) nature poem

c) war poem

Ans – b

ii) The poem ‘Autumn’ describes the beauty of

a) a countryside

b) a hill side

c) a rural side

Ans. a

E. Answer the following questions within fifteen words. 1×2

i) Where do the faded leaves ultimately lie?

Ans. – The faded leaves ultimately lie down the lane.

ii) What did the ‘fitful gust’ take away?

Ans – The ‘fitful gust’ took away the faded leaves from the elm tree.


Read the following passage and answer the questions .

Once upon a time a dog and donkey were good friends. One day they were trvelling together. There was a basket on the donkey’s back and the basket was full of tasty bread. Walking a long distance, both of them became very tired and hungry . The dnekey enjoyed eating grass on the roadside, But the dog could not do that. So the dog repeatedly requested the donkey, “I am very hungry and I cannot eat grass. So please give me a piece of bread If you do not give me it , I will die.” But donkey was very cruel. So hie said, “It is impossible for me to give you bread.”

On hearing this the dog was disappointed and went aside. At that moment there came a ferocious wolf. It was about to attach the donkey. So being afraid, the donkey that was very heartless, now requested the dog to stand by him but the dog refused to sage him from the wolf. At last the wolf killed the donkey.

Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board Short Question unseen

F. Write the correct answer . 1×2

i) The basket on the donkey’s back was full off –

a) cotton

b) bread

c) fruits .

Ans – b

ii) The donkey enjoyed to eat grass from –

a) valley

b) roadside

c) riverside

Ans – b

G. Read the below statement and write “T” for true and “F” for false .

i) The donkey was very kind-hearted .

Ans – F

Supporting – But the donkey was very cruel.

ii) The wolf killed the dog.

Ans. F.

Supprting – At last the wolf killed the donkey.

Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board small Question Seen

G. Answer the following questions in about 25 words 2×1

i) How did the dog and the donkey become tired ?

Ans For walking a long distance, the dog and the donkey became tired.

ii) Whats was the donkey carrying? What did the donkey request on seeing the wolf?

Ans. – The donkey was carrying a basket with tasty bread.

Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board Grammar and Vocabulary Question

Sec – B Grammar and Vocabulary

4. Fill in the blnks with suitbale article and prepasitions 1×2

Now ……… rains are over, you are free …………………… heat also

Ann. the, from

5. Write the correct answer from given alternatives . 1×2

a) The most important thing for a citizen is simply to be a good man

i) Simple Present.

ii) Future continuous

iii) Pas continuous

Ans – Simple Present .

ii) Someone has stolen my watch –

i) Future Perfect

ii) Present Perfect

iii) Simple Present

Ans – ii

6. Do as directed 1×6

a) Has it ever been tried by them ? (Change the voice)

Ans. – Have they ever tried it.

b) “Climb up! little boy” , said the tree. (Change the mode of narration)

Ans. The tree urged the little boy to climb up.

c) They went to Delhi to attend the function. (Make it complex)

Ans – They went to Delhi as they wanted to attend the function.

d) I accept your offer. (Use ‘acceptable’)

Ans- Your offer is acceptable to me .

e) Shankar is so intelligent that he doesn’t need any advice. (Use ‘too’)

Ans. Shankar is too intelligent to need any advice.

f) Tuhin is the best boy in the class. (Use comparative degree of the underlined word and rewrite )

Ans- Tuhin is the better then any other boy in the class.

Section -C Writing Skill

Class 9 1st unit test question paper 2024 English WB Board Writing Skill Question

7. Writer any one of the followings 10

i) Write a letter in about 100 words to your friend telling him / her to be compassionate to animals.

ii) Study the fololwing flow chart and write a paragraph on how a schol magazine is published. [ formation of a magazine committee-invitation of articles from students and teachers – submission of articles – editing – selection of best writings – sending to press-printing and binding – delivery of magazines to school – distribution.

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন উত্তর

Q. i) Bhola Grandpa had seen a gang of pirates

Ans: – in his mid-day nap

Q. After sunset people used to go out door in groups because of

Ans. Royal Bengal tiger

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